Circulation Rules


Library Rules

Use of the Library & Library Materials

1. Each member may check out up to (2) items at a time using his/ her library member card. These  include books

    and CD or DVD.

2. Library cards may not be transferred one borrower to another.

3. If the book is not return with damage or loss of book, the borrower is responsible for costs of books, the 

    replacement of original book (not copy) within one week.

4. In case the book is damaged or lost, then the patron will be required to pay five times of the original cost.

5. In case the book is damaged or repaired,borrower assessed a fee for the cost of repair or replacement per item.

6.  Borrower will notify to library for lost materials that are found.

7.  Borrowers are responsible for returning materials by closing time on the due date.

8. Borrower will be notified of overdue material by mail or telephone. If Borrower is not any response, an overdue

    invoice will be issued.

9.  If the book is not returned on the due date then a fine of one hundred kyats per day (including Sunday, Monday

    and holiday).

10. If members have any overdue items, they are not allowed to check out any more items.   

11. No library material can be taken out of the library without permission of Director or Chief Librarian.

12. In case of emergency the librarian may recall a book any time.

13. Pre-reserve books cannot be renewed.

14. Overdue books cannot be renewed.

15. Member can renew their books one time.

16. Borrower should not make any mark or underline anywhere in the book.

Anyone who violates the rules and regulations of the library, would be liable to lose the privilege of library membership.

Circulation policy of the National Library of Myanmar(Yangon)

Membership Policy

For applying the library menbership - 

    1) The application form can be download via the Library Portal or can be requested personally at information

        Counter of NL.

    2) In the application form, the following details are required to fill-in together with a copy of National Regis-

        tration Identification Card (NRIC)  or  Passport.  Applicant Name,  Father's Name,  Occupation,  NRIC  (or) 

        Passport, Permanent Address, Contact Phone, Email Address.

    3) The recommendation of 2 (Two) personal references are required by attaching the copies of their NRICs 

        and household lists.

    4) Children aged between 5 and 15 years can be applied as Children menbership. The details of the applicant

        can be failled up by parents in the application form. the parents or governers have fully responsible for the

        lost/damage of any borrowing materials by children.

Membership Fees

This menbership fees include registration fee (one time) and annual fees (every 12 months).

National Library Membership

Member Type

Registration Fee

Annual Fee


15,000 Ks.

6,000 Ks.


80,000 Ks.

10,000 Ks.

    Note: The minimum age is 15 years old and above. (age >= 15 years)

Children & Young Adults

Member Type

Registration Fee

Annual Fee


8,000 Ks.

6,000 Ks.


50,000 Ks.

10,000 Ks.

    Note: The age between 5 and 15 years old. (5years <= age < 15 years)

Borrowing Rules

Any library menber is allowed to borrow the maximum of 2 (Two)  different material types at a time ;  books

(General Collections) and audio visual (CD/DVD) materials.

Loan Periods and Fines Policies

Member Type

Material Type

Max. Loan Period

Loan Period

Daily   Overdue Fine(for each borrowing item)

Adult   Member


2 Books

14 Days

500 Ks.



Children   Member


2 Books

14 Days

500 Ks.



    Note: 1) Each member is allowed to borrow the maximum ofitems at a time in both LMS and Self-Borrowing


            2) The fine calculation will be included Saturday, Sunday and Public Holidays of Myanmar. 

            3) The members with unpaid fines and overdue loans are not allowed to borrow any more items from

                the library.

Responsibility of Borrowing items

The library member or 2(Two) reference personals have fully responsible for the lost and damage of borrowing 

materials belongs to National Library of Myanmar.

None Borrowing Items

The following material types and collections are not allowed to bring or borrow outside of the library permises.

    1) Manuscripts (Pay, Parabaik, Stone Scripts, Ink Scripts)

    2) Reference Only Collections.

    3) Rare Collections.

Returning the Overdue Items

For returning the overdue items to the library. 

    1) On the next days after the due date, phone call reminder will received.

    2) 7 days after the due date, 1st email reminder will be received.

    3) 14 days after the due date, 2nd email reminder will be received.

    4) xx days after the due date, the overdue loan item will be set lost by system. And fix fine amount xx,xxx Ks.

        will be charged  to the borrower.